Welcome to the Student Service Learning Home Page
Each county in the state of Maryland has designed a service learning program in accordance with the state service-learning requirement. This handbook is designed to assist students in meeting this requirement in Baltimore County and specifically at Loch Raven High School.
Ultimately, each student is responsible for meeting the service learning requirement. Loch Raven, however, will help by providing opportunities for students to engage in service either in curriculum-based projects, through extra curricular activities and/or by accepting service performed at outside organizations, and by keeping a cumulative record of students' service.
If, at any time, you have questions regarding aspects of meeting this graduation requirement, you may contact Loch Raven's Service-Learning Coordinator at 410-887-3525 or [email protected].
Do you need service-learning hours?
Do you like animals?
Consider volunteering at BARCS
Baltimore Animal Rescue and Care Shelter
They need volunteers to walk dogs on their nature trails and to pet their cats. Find out more information on how to volunteer here: https://www.barcs.org/volunteer-information/?fbclid=IwAR15cFqjRLUO15N7JDO1siCMCtIb1YR4X09IbCUCBnHNBmy6P8m95IrADM0
Interested in nature?
Need Service-Learning Hours?
Consider volunteering at one of these locations:
Irvine Nature Center 443-738-9231
Gunpowder Valley Conservancy 410-404-4748
Willow Grove Nature Center 410-887-3014
Howard Peters Rawlings Conservatory & Botanic Gardens
Outdoor Service Learning Opportunity
Interested in Serving those in need?
The Maryland Food Bank https://mdfoodbank.org/ways-to-give/volunteer/
Feeding America https://www.feedingamerica.org/take-action/volunteer
Moveable Feast https://www.mfeast.org/volunteer/
Community Food Rescue https://www.communityfoodrescue.org/seeking-volunteers-for-cooking-with-a-cause/
Once you have completed hours, be sure to complete the form (attached to the left above) and have it signed.
Return the form to Mrs. Bryant Mitchell in room 301B.
Have other ideas? Feel free to email your school coordinator for approval. Ms. Mitchell: [email protected]
As a reminder all Independent Projects need pre-approval from your school based Service Coordinator. [email protected]