FAQs for Parents and Students
What is SAIL?
The Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS) and Baltimore County Public Library (BCPL) renewed their long-standing partnership by launching the “Students Achieve in Libraries” SAIL initiative in fall 2013. A campaign is underway to get a new SAIL public library card bearing the logos of both BCPS and BCPL into the hands of every student. In addition, students will soon have access to the BCPS digital network and its resources at local public library branches. For BCPL branch locations and hours, visit the BCPL website @ http://www.bcpl.info/hours-locations.
How will students get the new SAIL card?
Local BCPL branches will be registering students at each BCPS school, one school at a time beginning with elementary schools. SAIL card registration forms will be distributed and collected at school. Parents should complete the form and have students return it to school by the announced deadline. BCPL staff will deliver the SAIL cards to school for distribution to all students who registered. Schools may offer an incentive for students who register for the new card.
What if a student misses the deadline for returning the completed registration form to school?
Your child’s school may announce a second collection of the SAIL card registration forms. If not, students and their parents can take the registration forms directly to their local BCPL branch to get a SAIL card. Additional forms are available in English and several other languages. Ask your school library media specialist or local public library branch staff if you need a SAIL card registration form.
What if a student already has a BCPL library card?
Students are encouraged to swap their current library card for the new dual-branded SAIL card, although this is not required. The new card identifies students as members of Team BCPS, and will help public library branch staff to provide more personalized service to meet their needs.
What if a student has overdue materials or outstanding fines on a BCPL account?
Students with holds on current or previous BCPL accounts will not be denied a SAIL card. BCPL staff will discuss any outstanding obligations with students and their parents when the new SAIL card is activated at the local branch. Students with account holds will be granted limited borrowing privileges.
Why aren’t students in Kindergarten registering for SAIL cards?
Kindergarten students participate in another BCPS/BCPL initiative called My First Library Card. They can use their My First Library Card through the third grade, and can “upgrade” to a SAIL card anytime beginning in first grade.
For answers to additional questions, please contact your School Library Media Specialist!
Click Below for an Application:
SAIL Registration