All students will complete two sequential years of a World Language in order to graduate and provide students with the skills necessary for success in the 21st century work place. Middle school World Language credits are no longer accepted
Department Goals:
- Prepare students in all levels to develop the 4 skills areas of reading, writing, listening, and speaking in the target language.
- Prepare students for success in Advanced Placement classes
- Infuse SAT skills in foreign language classes
- Prepare students for life in the diverse global community
- Prepare students to be globally competitive in the 21st century.
Course Offerings:
- French I, II, III Honors, IV Honors, V Honors
- Spanish I, II, III Honors, IV Honors, AP V/VI
- Chinese I, II, III Honors, IV Honors
Why study a World Language?
Give yourself a competitive edge!
- Research shows that Math and Verbal SAT scores climb higher with each additional year of language study.
- Studying another language can improve your analytical, processing, interpretative, memory, and study skills.
Fulfill College / University Requirements
Department Members
Richard Bailey
Narjis Benjelloum
Luzwalty Diaz
Damaris Garcia, DC
Joel LaTorre
Erwin Sanchez Sanchez
Patricia Sussano