What is AVID in BCPS?
Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) in Baltimore County Public Schools is a K-12 College Readiness System whose mission is to close the opportunity gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society. The AVID College Readiness System transforms the instruction, systems, leadership and culture of a school, ensuring improved academic performance for all students based on increased opportunities. Having AVID in schools provide students with engaging approaches to rigorous content through the use of research-based best practices and real-world strategies to accelerate the performance of underrepresented students so that those students and all students across the entire campus succeed in college, career, and life.
The goal of the AVID team is to increase enrollment in rigorous courses and create systems to support student success within those courses. AVID hopes to create a schoolwide culture that promotes:
-College and career readiness
-Increased collaboration between the administration, faculty, students, families and the community

What is AVID in Loch Raven?
At the secondary school level, AVID is also implemented as a schoolwide College Readiness System that includes the AVID Elective class to support students with the individual determination to attend college, but who may belong to a student group that is underrepresented in institutions of higher education or who may face barriers to achieving their goal of attending a four-year college or university.
As a schoolwide system of instruction, AVID secondary schools also use WICOR strategies to enhance the designated curriculum in ways that increase student engagement, support the acquisition and enhancement of college and career readiness skills, and develop the social and emotional resilience of all learners so that they can be successful in a global society.
Students enrolled in the AVID Elective class represent students in the academic middle who apply to enroll in the class. The AVID Elective class curriculum is developed by middle and high school instructional leaders in collaboration with college professors to make challenging content more accessible and includes twice-weekly AVID Tutorials during which AVID students engage in Socratic dialogue to work past points-of-confusion in order to be successful in rigorous courses including Advanced Placement courses and Early College Access Programs through dual-enrollment.

If you have any questions or would like more information about Loch Raven's AVID program, reach out to our AVID Site Coordinator, Megan Tobin, [email protected].