Community Resources

Supports at school: The Loch Raven Network was created in 2016 to help low-income and homeless Loch Raven High School (LRHS) students and their families.  The Network created a Student Support Room, housed within LRHS, which is stocked with toiletry items, non-perishable food, school supplies, clothing, and items such as laundry detergent, alarm clocks, umbrellas, and backpacks.  Students and parents are encouraged to take whatever they need, and can access the room via appointment. 

If your student and family are in need of these resources or others, please contact Loch Raven High’s School Social Worker, Caryn Putchat, LCSW-C, at 410-887-3525, extension 247.  Students can also come to the Counseling office (ideally before or after school, or during their lunch shift) and request an appointment with Mrs. Putchat. 

Local Food Assistance: A Can Can Make A Difference is a food pantry resource very close to Loch Raven High School.  Families receive a box of food items on a monthly basis.  In order to get started with this, and learn more about eligibility, please call 410-665-5595.

Energy Bill Assistance: If you need assistance paying your BGE bill, please follow this link to learn more about their energy assistance programs: