Are you looking for a way to connect with your student's teachers? Check on your student's grades and view report cards?
This update is for you!
Parents are now able to log in to Focus, BCPS’ Student Information System, and Schoology - The BCPS Learning Management System!!
Parents will need to create a parent account with the same e-mail address they provided to their school to sign up. Parents must be marked in Focus as having educational access to gain access to their student’s information. It will take up to 30 minutes to gain access to Focus and up to 48 hours to access Schoology.
To set up that account please follow these directions!
There is a link within Focus that will take parents directly to Schoology. If a parent clicks the Schoology link before the connection is established, the parent will receive an error message.
Use this resource if you are having trouble.

Please review this resource to help troubleshoot some questions/issues dealing with BCS devices and online learning tools. There is info about the Schoology Mobile App, Google Meets, and Technology support.
Parent Support for Remote Learning:
091020_Google and Schoology-Parent Information.pdf
Free and Reduced Meals is more than just FOOD!
This year all BCPS students will receive Breakfast and Lunch free of charge regardless of financial need.
However, Students that are eligible for Free and Reduced Meals via BCPS are also offered additional benefits for SAT, AP and college applications. To ensure your student will still get these benefits, please fill out this form and return it to Mrs. Roberts ([email protected]) or Ms. Miller in School Counseling ([email protected])
To see if you qualify for the additional waiver benefits, review the chart below.

The 21/22 Student Handbook is now available!

Parents and schools need to work together for the betterment of the students. Parents play an important role in providing support and building the confidence of their children. Parents should check some of the tips or activities they can use to develop their children’s confidence and improve their school experience. Additionally, the LRHS Library Wiki and BCPS Databases offer support for your students at home. See Mr. Manko for BCPS Database Home Access Passwords.