New Entrant Information




First confirm that LRHS is your zoned school: Baltimore County Public Schools ( 



Required Information for Registration: 

1) Withdrawal packet from previous school which must be sealed and unopened. (504 or IEP If applicable) 

2) Students Birth Certificate 

3) Students Immunization Record 

4) 3 pieces of business 1st class mail from within the last 60 days of registration date 

5) Parent/guardian photo ID 

6 A copy of the current lease or mortgage or deed with the parent/guardian's name  



If the parent/guardian is not on the lease or mortgage, then a shared domicile will need to be completed before the student can enroll. Please contact the Residency Investigator Mr. Salim Barrouk at 443-809-7794 or [email protected].  


Registrations are by appointment only 



Necessary forms for registration: 

Release of Records form:Rule 5230 Form A ( 

Shared Domicile Form: BALTIMORE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS ( This must be renewed every year 



If your living arrangement is due to loss of housing or other economic issues, please contact the Pupil Personal Worker Lesley Smith at 443-809-7890 or [email protected]. 


What is next? 

  • Once the form has been submitted, school staff will begin the registration process. Again, the registration process is not complete until all necessary documentation has been provided. 

  • School staff will notify families to let them know once registration is complete or to identify any additional documentation needed to finalize the registration. 


School Hours are: 7:45am-2:30pm 



A student registration is not final until the registration forms are complete, and all documents have been accepted. 




If at any time during the year your residency changes, please contact the Counseling Secretary at 443-809-3832