The Business Department of Loch Raven High School offers a wide spectrum of business courses that will enable students to explore career opportunities as well as gain valuable skills. Business courses offer rigorous academic content including Honors and GT, as well as practical preparation for a competitive job market.

Learn more about LRHS' Business course offerings here
The Business Department:
- Provides opportunities to recognize students who distinguish themselves in the Career Completer Programs.
- Links graduating high school seniors with businesses by guaranteeing the quality of their training.
- Maintains articulation agreements with The Community Colleges of Baltimore County. Students may earn college credit for career and technology credits earned in high school.
- Maintains an active Future Business Leaders of America organization that provides co-curricular, student-centered activities designed to provide activities that will motivate young people to develop vocational and career supportive competencies which will prepare them to become skilled, employable workers in the field of business. FBLA activities provide members opportunities to serve as leaders and followers and opportunities for them to receive local, state, and national recognition.
The standards used for attributes which members of our advisory committee say they look for when hiring for entry-level positions with career potential, include the following:
- Dedication
- Reliability
- Knowledge about the field of study
- Hands-on skills
- Ability to work with others
- Good attendance
The value of Business Education doesn't disappear after high school. In fact, the skills learned and the exposure gained through a business-oriented curriculum can yield a lifetime of advantages and opportunities.
Business Teacher - Christopher Dantzler - [email protected]