
Whether you are interested in Orchestra (Honors/GT), Band (Honors/GT), Piano, Guitar, or various levels of Choir the LRHS Music Program has something for you!

Rainbow of Music

           Learn more about each area of the Music Department

Vocal Music

Instrumental Music

General Music Options: Piano, Guitar

The music department at Loch Raven High School is securely rooted in the belief that all students deserve an education in music regardless of ability or prior experience.

The classroom environments support 21st century skills and progressive thinking where students are encouraged to take risks and collaborate with one another to gain higher level comprehension of musicianship and independent decision making skills.

Student centered instruction fuels one of the fastest growing programs in the high school and in our time together we are truly proud to be Raiders!

Music is a great way to fulfill your Fine Arts graduation requirement! Any of these courses will allow you to meet that requirement: 

Band /Orchestra 

Music Department Members

    Jasmine Carter-Plank ( Choral Music) [email protected]

    Richard Shaner ( Instrumental Music) [email protected]